Womens Cell

The women//s cell in Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, was organized on 8th, February 2003 with reference to the letter no : 153/CDC/2002 dated 8th May 2002 issued by the University grants commission, New Delhi, Subject : The issues of violence and sexual harassment against women on the Universities campus.

All the women teaching staff are its voluntary members. The following are the office-bearers :

1.  President                 :           Dr. Pratima Shobha Massey

2.  Secratary                 :           Dr. Liticia Hermit

3.  Treaseur                  :           Dr. Kusum Lata Pandey

4. Counsellor                :           Dr. Alpana Paul

5.  Member                  :           Dr. Sharda Sundram

6.  Member                  :           Dr. Shikhi Sahai

The women cell organizes from time to time various activities as work-shops, seminars, Nukkad-Nataks, Various competitions, training- serious etc to create awareness regarding genda-disenmisnater women-empowerment, violence against women, domestic violence etc.

An active counseling cell is working to solve the problems of the students. The cell is actively participating in controlling the ragging menace in the college-premises and also conducts awareness programs regarding sexual harassment of women at work place.