Teacher association Executive committee

Whereas the capability of institutions of higher education for carrying out research and developing knowledge depends on the competence and quality of their academic community, which needs to be provided a suitable work environment that encourages its members to enhance their performance effectively; and

Whereas the University of Allahabad Act 2005 and its Ordinance No.LXVI requires the formation of teachers bodies in each constituent college;

We the teaching faculty of all the constituent colleges collectively resolves to have an organisation which will look after the welfare of its members and affirm our commitment to the cause of higher education. We propose to establish an academic and non-political forum under the name of, "Allahabad University Constituent Colleges Teachers’ Association" (hereinafter referred as AUCCTA) committed to overall growth of all constituent colleges.

Ewing Christian College Teachers’ Association is an integral part of the "Allahabad University Constituent Colleges Teachers’ Association" (AUCCTA). The AUCCTA is a registered body of teachers of 11 constituent colleges of the University of Allahabad. President and Secretary of Teachers’ Association of the college are Ex- officio members of the Executive Committee of the AUCCTA. All the office bearers/ will have the primary responsibility to make the AUCCTA an academically viable, sound and flourishing institution.

The main Objectives of the association are the followings:

  • a) To strive for academic excellence in teaching, research and extension & up-gradation of the college.
  • b) To protect and pursue the interests of its members with other academic bodies and university/ college authorities.
  • c) To organise various academic, cultural and social activities including seminars/symposia on relevant topics.

Office bearers of the Ewing Christian College Teachers’ Association:

1. Dr. Vivek Kumar Nigam President
2. Dr. Thomas Abraham Vice President
3. Dr. (Mrs) Shikhi Sahay Vice President (W)
4. Dr. Prem Prakash Singh Secretory
5. Dr. Kranti Kumar Tungla Treasurer
6. Dr. Aruneya Mishra Joint Secretory