Department of Physical Education
The department of Physical Education, Ewing Christian College, started in the academic year 2016-17 as a means of providing the students with an elective subject. The department has been running successfully ever since. The department gives the students an avenue to learn and excel in the realms of sports and technical nuances of physical education, they also receive an opportunity to take part in different intramural, state and national level competitions and showcase their prowess. The department encourages its students to engage and progress in the field of Physical education for their higher education and take up Physical education as a profession. The department also focuses on imparting the necessary aptitude training for the students aspiring to be inducted into the armed forces. The department coordinates and hosts all the sports activities of the college. The department has incorporated into its curriculum subjects that are of vital importance to the holistic growth of its students and the development of the discipline whereby becoming responsible and capable members of the society. The department envisages preparing its students with a strong foundation in physical education and enabling them to achieve the best performance in their choice of sports and career.