The Department of Chemistry was established in 1902 under the able supervision of Dr. Prabhu Das. Since then the Department has grown manifolds with respect to infrastructure and academics. At present the department is headed by Dr. Lalit C. T. Eusebius and in all there are 09 full-time staff members 03 guest lecturers along with three laboratory assistants. Department of Chemistry was identified as one of the "Star Departments" under the CPE status in the year 2006-07. The Star Department status has provided an opportunity to upgrade the infrastructure and also has enabled us to setup two research laboratories and an Instrumentation Laboratory beside modernization of B.Sc. I, II & III Chemical laboratories and all the three lecture theatres. As a result, the department in the last 3 years has undergone a major transition. Excellence in classroom teaching has always been of paramount significance to her teachers and keeping the current market scenario and the rate of infiltration of globalization, introduction of research-oriented activities, which are the need of the hour have already been introduced.
At present about 1000 students are enrolled out of which approximately 200 are from B. Sc. III. Three chemical laboratories equipped with all the modern facilities are in place for B.Sc. students. There is a separate Instrumentation laboratory specifically for the B.Sc. III students to carry out the experiments on Potentiometry, Conductometry & Colorimetry. Beside these laboratories, there are 2 more laboratories, which are used for UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Flame Photometry, Potentiometry, Polarimetry and studies on Natural Products. A specialized laboratory for studies in nano chemistry is in the process of development. Two projects are currently running in the department.
The department also conducts the following academic and co-curricular activities for students:
- Guest Lecture Seriesv
- One Day Students// Seminar
- Industrial Tour
- Various scientific competitions
- The department has also started a value addition six certificate course, entitled "Analytical Techniques in Chemical Analysis" for students of B.Sc. III. This will enable them to have an ad-on qualification and become more "market-worthy".