Department of Hindi

The Department of Hindi was established in 1956. Currently the department is offering Hindi as a subject in B.A. program. The total number of students being benefited each year is about 550. There are four approved posts and presently two full time faculty members and one guest lecturer are serving in the department who are taking care of the teaching-learning activities. The present head of the department is Dr. (Ms.) R. R. Lal. The department is also running "Hindi Parishad" which has five clubs for the development of students viz. vaichariki, uttam swasthya, nayta manch, sur sangam and vividh kala samooh. The department also publishes Tramasik wall patrika "Naya Kadam". The department also organizes various competitions, lectures, student seminars, etc. from time to time.

1. Ms. R. R. Lal



Area of Specialization: Bhasha Vigyaan, Sanskrit, Kabir


2. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Garg

M.A., D.Phil.

Assistant Professor

Area of Specialization: Alochana, Sanskrit, Surdas
